VOUDON festival in Ouidah in Benin
It’s warm, sunny, dusty and noisy w from a mix of drums, lots and lots of people in groups finding their way, cars, and the sellers of bananas and water.
Voodoo is strangely fascinating. This day is one huge celebration. It’s thousands of people who meet to celebrate. Truly a festival. People from Benin and the region dress up in their best clothes for the ceremonies and dances. Today is mostly ceremonial dancing and parades.

Five locations in town there are the Secret Forest with gate, potent sculptures and small temples.

The square in from of the phyton temple where all the chiefs are gathered and kids are bowing in front of them while there’s lots of dancing.

The French quarters where they are masques like brooms 🧹 or hay stacks and twirl around for hours.

We never really know where the interesting events happen. Then luckily we find them with help from Vanoush – she is good, our young female student and guide and worth it to know where to go and when.
It’s always possible to start a dance 💃🏼 and a talk. Maybe some photos. I even got interviewed for some TV and their message was to come see for yourself instead of being afraid of voodoo. A great point.
We even managed to meet a NomadMania friend Dinésha De Silva Mendes in the evening at the big music event at the beach.