Gibraltar – hvor Europa og Afrika er tættest på hinanden.
Gibraltar 🇬🇮 Fascinating place. Join me to this unique experience. Driving from Portugal 🇵🇹 and Spain 🇪🇸 with all their Latin foodie happiness of the seafood afrodisiac, wine 🍷, olives 🫒 and warmth. Then seeing this tall tough rock in the Mediterranean. Wind 💨 blowing considerably. You realize you have to leave the EU and show passport to enter Gibraltar 🇬🇮 as Brexit UK 🇬🇧 also meant Gibraltar leaving the Eurozone and European Union 🇪🇺 🙄😧🤯 an exchange booth reminded me of British Pounds 💷 as currency. Container ships by the lots – as a Dane I counter the Danish and off course included one in this post. The lighthouse was in Europe with Morocco 🇲🇦 and thus Africa as the backdrop so incredibly close.
The population is this curious mix of truly British in clothes and pronouncination. British chains sell all thing British.
I was happy to see a considerable Jewish community who could wear the hats visible without fearing for violence.
What seemed to be another considerable population I guess was mostly Moroccans who seemed to run the kiosks and smaller eateries.
Hardcore right wing were training dogs and sons for battle it seemed.
It’s cool to drive through the cliff and to imagine how Neanderthalers lived here. Hunting, fishing and living in caves that are still here and now is a fairly inaccessible unesco site.
You drive across or rather under the airstrip to get to this island.
It’s worth going. But their sights on the cliff are expensive. Especially when the gondol is closed.
The happiest place in town – easily Trafalgar sports pub on a Saturday with soccer ⚽️ on all screens and pint 🍺 glasses. The development of the world stayed outside for a few hours.
One of those where you need to have been there to really get what I have been trying to describe.

The NomadMania app shows us Gibraltar like this – then its possible to both plan your trip and register it on the app and thus on the website and in the community. Its also possible to find other travelers / NomadManians who are from Gibraltar and/or NomadManians who are traveling there at the same time as you. That makes it possible to meet up through contacting each other through the chatfunction. To find others and be found yourself, its necessary to turn on the location function and for privacy and safety reasons it does not give out precise locations.

Lots of shipping – this it a ship from the Danish Lauritzen shipping firm

Rejseblog om Gibraltar, der er et Britisk territorie, der ligger på den Iberiske halvø ved Spanien og Portugal, lige over Middelhavet og Gibraltarstrædet ligger Marokko og Afrika. Et helt særligt sted med engelske statuer, pub’er, butikker, et jødisk samfund, spansk og engelsk arkitektur, en moske, et stadium, et fyrtårn, et unesco verdensarvssted hvor der har boet neandertalere og containerskibe og verdenshandel.