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Kina / China. Gobi desert. Yumen Pass.

The Chinese Wall is also as far from Beijing as here in the Gobi desert 🏜️ the Han dynasty build it to protect the trade on the Silk Road from the Hunns from Mongolia. (It’s like relieving the story of Mulan)

It’s worth seeing and here we have by far the most of the east desert to ourselves. Few tourists. Few loudspeakers 📢 A relief.

In the area around Dunhuang you also need to visit the mosque 🕌 as there are many Muslims in this area. We said hello to a group of old men who stayed around the mosque in the shade and enjoyed each other’s company while waiting for the time for the next prayer. Lots of halal restaurants in the area around the mosque. I learned that the two Chinese letters for halal also are the letters for muslims and Islam. ☪️ practical!

The town is the place to go to the theatre. 🎭 There are two performances. Both with the capacity to handle Chinese audiences. We did not get assigned seats. But waited to get in first to realize you can optimize your experience by walking around and follow the performance as it moves from room to room. Or take it more calm from the back and watch it all.
This is all photos from The Ancient Sound of Dunhuang.

The Magao grottos with buddhas &
The amusement park at the Mingsha hills and the Crescent Moon Spring are the two other places to go.

i recommend ending the days at the night market with lots of outdoor restaurants and handicrafts.

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