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Tibet. It’s a sign or even a monument. Some signs are just text with fun translations into English. Others instruct us what (not) to do.

The huge monument is named the monument of the peaceful liberation of Tibet and refer to Tibet becoming part of China 🇨🇳 in 1959. It’s located opposite to the Tibetan Potala Palace and can be seen from the stairs of the palace on the way up and down as the first view of the town. As both are lit up during evening, it is a good time for a visit and we took lots of pictures. … and were taken lots of pictures of, as usual. As I still had altitude sickness and headache, we were here a little shorter but still walked there and back from our hotel and bought fruit on the way back.

Signs are everywhere. At tourist sights of course. In traffic. In nature along the road or at view points. At markets and restaurants. At bus stops, public buildings and even outside peoples houses.